Dear Madam/ Dear Sir,
As part of the „Culture and Tourism support for integrated sustainable development in the Danube Region” project (DTP814. PA3 – culture & tourism and people to people contact), co-funded by the Danube Transnational Programme and coordinated by the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Works and Administration (RO), Civitta Strategy & Consulting is conducting a study aiming to support the implementation of the revised EUSDR Action Plan for the PA3 areas (Culture, Tourism and People-to-People Contacts).
To support the development of the study and to identify the best measures to increase the resilience of Culture and Tourism, we kindly invite you to take a 10-minute survey, by Wednesday, July 20th 2022. Your data will be collected anonymously and only used for this research, please follow the link
The purpose of the survey is to identify concrete measures to increase the resilience of the Culture and Tourism sectors using the expertise of various stakeholders in these fields. The main themes of the research are focused on assessing measures relevant to increasing the resilience of PA3 areas and aligning the priorities of the Culture and Tourism sectors with the sustainable development goals (SDGs).
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us, using the following contacts: (for questions regarding the survey and/ or the study), (for questions regarding PA3 and/ or the project).
Thank you for your cooperation!
Best wishes,
The project team