The Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration organized together with the National Institute for Heritage Bucharest and the National Archaeological Institute and Museum Sofia, in September 25-27, 2014 in Bucharest and Ruse, the final conference of the Danube Limes Brand, a project coordinated by the University of Vienna. During the two days of the conference, the participants approached important issues related to opportunities for developing tourism for the Limes sites, further development of the project, nominations for the Tentative List and the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Within the final conference, the speakers presented the following:
- opportunities for developing tourism for those sites belonging to the Limes,
- perspectives of a trans-sectoral approach on further development of the project,
- aspects of the nominations to the Tentative List and to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
On the following days, 27-28 of September, 2014, the conference also included a study trip to Constanta and Tulcea Counties, in Romania, where the participants visited the ruins of Carsium citadel, Harsova city, and Capidava citadel, in Capidava village.