On 2nd October 2017, a call for proposals for the Seed Money Facility has been launched by the Danube Transnational programme. The Application Form and its annexes have to be submitted through the eMS DTP monitoring system latest by 15:00 Central European Time on 07.12.2017 through this link:
http://www.interreg-danube.eu/about-dtp/dtp-ems. An earlier submission is recommended.
For PA 3 the following thematic topics are eligible for funding under SMF:
- Revival and protection of traditional crafts in the Danube region
- Develop applications and other innovative tools for tourists that use information and communication technologies (ICT) promoting and clearly illustrating the natural and cultural heritage of the Danube region
- Promotion of SPA and wellness tourism in the Region
- Create new and support existing transnational routes for sustainable and activity tourism in the Danube region
For more information about the application process and eligible thematic topics for PA 3 please consult documents for applying at :
For each project proposal a declaration of alignement must be provided. Declarations of alignement for PA3 projects will be issued by PA 3 coordinators, after consultation with the Steering group members.
All project appicants are advised to send by e-mail their project proposalts to PA 3 coordinators preferably by 17 November 2017 for review and issue of declaration of alignement.
Contacts with PA 3 coordinators:
- Mr. Lyubomir Sirakov, Ministry of tourism, Bulgaria, e-mail: l.sirakov@tourism.government.bg
- Mrs. Mihaela Florea, Ministry of regional development, public administration and EU funds, e-mail: mihaela.florea@mdrap.ro