The application process under the Danube Strategic Project Fund (DSPF) is open. It is a new facility aiming at supporting the implementation of transnational strategic projects aligned with the objective
PA 3 conference on culture and people to people contacts
The PA 3 of EUSDR Conference is a thematic event organised by the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, with the large participation and support of the Romanian
START Danube Region Project Fund -Results of the 1st Call
Results of the first call for projects of the pilot initiative START were issued on 19th of January 2015. 25 projects, involving partners from all Danube Region Countries were selected.
8th Meeting of the PA3 Steering Group
The 8th Meeting of the Priority Area 3 Steering Group took place in Bucharest, Romania, on the 25th of November 2014 (Marshal Garden Hotel) with the presence of the representatives
International conference on Cultural Identities in the Danube Region
The international conference on Cultural Identities in the Danube Region took place December 4 – 7, 2014 in Timisoara, Romania. The event was organized by the Romanian Department for Interethnic
International conference on medieval fortresses in the countries of Danube Region
The international conference on medieval fortresses in the countries of Danube Region took place in October 16-19, 2014 in Targu Mures, Romania. Organized under Target 3 of PA3, Develop new and support
Final conference of the Danube Limes Brand
The Romanian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration organized together with the National Institute for Heritage Bucharest and the National Archaeological Institute and Museum Sofia, in September 25-27, 2014
START – Danube Region Project Fund
START – Danube Region Project Fund is a new pilot initiative of the EUSDR and provides Seed Money for the development and implementation of Danube Region projects. Seed Money means that beneficiaries receive an early
3rd Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
The EUSDR Annual Forum is the main event of the year for the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, assembling its stakeholders from the whole Danube area to give strategic direction,
Danube Programme 2014-2020 launches public consultation
Danube Programme 2014-2020 launches public consultation The Danube transnational cooperation programme 2014-2020 has launched an web-based public consultation. The aim of the consultation is to check the relevance of the