Save the Date- Priority Area 3-Steering Group Committee Meeting- June 18, 2024, Vienna, Austria

draft agenda


Welcome and opening

PA3 coordination team, Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy, Austria

(Tour de table)

JOHAN MAGNUSSON – DG REGIO – presentation of the vision and relevant activities within EUSDR and in the framework of collaboration with the other MRS

Natalia LIHOLOT – Danube Region Programme- Seed Money Facility and DRP activity

KATHERINA LENZ- Pillar Officer – EUSDR Danube Strategy Point –– presentation of DSP & EUSDR activities 2023 and onwards

KATKA KREJKOVA, Lower Austria, presentation next activities

BERNARD SCHODER, activities& Danube Shipping and Tourism Conference, 2024

MARTON MEHES, Collegium Hungaricum,  activities& session dedicated to art and culture – EUSDR Forum

Cluster – Projects financed by DRP related to SO 3.3,

Culinary Trail –project presentation

Association of Danube River Municipalities– synergies between current activities in the projects and PA3-EUSDR vision& activity (tbc)

Department of Interethnic Relations – aspects regarding the integration of diversity and multilingualism in drafting local/regional strategies”-PA_3 CLOSE-project DRI, activity presentation, next activities

Communication (newsletter /info from the SC members)

Capacity building – tour de table –contribution of SG Meeting Members

Flagship projects-  presentation 

Governance (Danube Youth Council involvement/ collaboration with other PAs& MRS/Seed Money Facility,

Collaboration with other MRS& SeaBasin- best practices (tbc)

A&B, Conclusions



Jun 18 2024


2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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